These first 2 photos show a bit of how the pattern is drawn onto the leather and then cut with a swivel knife. After that various tools are used to lift the pattern out and give it the nice 3D type of feel.
Small purse or all around bag for your stuff.
Detail of the carving on the bag above.
The one below is made with a basket weave tool. Of which there are many styles to choose from.
Bigger purse or maybe laptop case. These are one of a kind items.
This is a close up of the detail on the bag above.
This is a basket weave belt. A popular style.
Here is a nice example of a brief case or lap top computer bag.
Close up of the detail on the previous bag.
Here is a carved Harley Davidson eagle.
Carving these letters is difficult and can easily lead to starting over.
Another example of a simple floral pattern.
Close up of the carving on the bag above.